I will try harder later and keep you updated and you also should try to find a good, working wrapper. So, clearly, there are ways to MAKE it work but I am still searching for a better wrapper with more accurate graphics and such but this is more of a process for me. I have only tested the GPU accelerated version of TitaniumGL but there are software rendered versions as well but that may drop performance, I dunno, haven't gotten that far yet.TitaniumGL works! But there seem to be a few graphical glitches introduced, namely vertical lines in text and misaligned menu images.I used two different wrappers so far, one of which didn't show the menu at all but gameplay worked.This makes the overlay work perfectly like it should! It is possible to use an OpenGL wrapper to translate the game into D3D.Nothing you can do to make the game natively support the overlay.Neverwinter Nights uses OpenGL, a very old version of OpenGL that simply doesn't work with the Steam Overlay,.Below is a list of my findings, whether or not you want to try what I did is up to you because I am also still looking and seeing what I can figure out for a better solution. JUST so I could test this and see what I could do to solve the problem for you and now for myself and I have found out many things about what's happening here and even a solution or two. Ok, so you made me HAVE to go and get the GOG version of Neverwinter Nights Diamond.